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Monday, 21 May 2012
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An appeal and request for establishment of a special criminal court for terrorism in Yemen and on its top the Sabeen square crime that occurred this day.

An appeal and request for issuing a resolution from the UN Security Council to open an international investigation for terrorist crimes and the establishment of a special criminal court for terrorism crimes in Yemen under Section VII of the United Nations Charter and in implementation of the other international decisions".

The coalition of Yemeni civil society organizations

Date: 21 | 5 | 2012

His Excellency Mr. | Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations respectable
Your Excellencies the Ambassadors | Chairman and members ofthe UN Security Council respected
After greeting: -

Subject: - "an appeal and request for issuing a resolution from the UN Security Council to open an international investigation for terrorist crimes and the establishment of a special criminal court for terrorism crimes in Yemen under Section VII of the United Nations Charter and in implementation of the other international decisions".

The coalition of civil society organizations, Yemeni non-governmental "partners" greets you and wishes you continued success in your work, and has the honor to submit to Your Excellency's the request to help it in its international campaign launched earlier, in order to obtain a decision from the UN Security Council to open an international investigations for terrorist crimes and the most of that have occurred Yemen and the creation of special international criminal tribunal for crimes of terrorism in Yemen, under Section VII of the United Nations Charter and based on the provisions of international humanitarian law and international conventions and treaties and regional and national legislations.

And the coalition of "partners" establishes the above request based on the following grounds and reasons and justifications :
1 - The increase in activity of terrorist crimes, led by"al-Qaeda terrorist in the Arabian Peninsula" in most areas of Yemen, and therefore the continuation of the fall of hundreds or even thousands of innocent civilians and the new areas controlled by the elements of this international terrorist organization, daily and non-stop, where this terrorism regulation has adopted and is responsible for most of the crimes of murder and extermination of hundreds and thousands of innocent civilians including killing of women and children and members of the Yemeni army and systematically and continuously, without interruption, in addition to its responsibility for committing the most heinous violations of other human rights committed by elements of the organization of terror against civilians in areas controlled by the Yemen, the reason for the increased activity and the size of al-Qaeda terrorist in Yemen is to several factors, most of notably is the enjoyment of the elements of this terrorist organization of impunity and weak mechanisms for effective prosecution, as a natural result of the terrorists from exploiting the repercussions of the Yemeni political crisis and security chaos left by, and reflected itself on the Yemeni judiciary and who is in a state of paralysis and weakness against the full terrorist crimes in particular, and therefore unable to track down and follow the terrorists gangs and bring them to justice.

2 - - Most of the investigations and preliminary information held in all the crimes of terrorism, the former took place in Yemen - have definitely proven - the participation and involvement of the of and well-known Yemeni leaders accused jointly, for incitement and funding of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, which receives material and moral support large from some countries and foreign organizations, as demonstrated - as they all contribute to the formation and management of cross-border terrorist gangs that are accused of terrorist offenses in Yemen and the world and for their own illegal invest, which means that the large global terrorism crimes that have taken place in Yemen, of an international and local terrorist nature, and therefore will be difficult - even impossible – for the Yemeni judiciary, especially in light of the current situation the bad experience - and for the foreseeable future - to achieve justice for the victims of terrorism or to consider the circumstances of the crime gangs of international terrorism individually and in its potential and capacity of vulnerable groups, in addition to its clear lack of experience and qualification and because it never considered such terrorist crimes of international trans-boundary in terms of size, type, or internal and external link, as is the case in the clear inability to its view of the terrorist crime attack on the presidential mosque of Yemen in June 3, 2011 , where the Yemeni judiciary who viewed this crime could not to take any legal action effectively so far, - and in our view - will not be able to work anything in the future both in this terrorist crime or other, for several reasons and challenges it is facing such as realistic and technical challenges and no room to talk about it now, despite the fact that this terrorist crime has represented the strongest flagrant violation of the peace and security on international, regional and local levels by the terrorist forces that carried out or participated in it, where the international community for the first time in its history has agreed as a whole to condemn and denounce this crime, and even described the terrorist act as serious and so under the UN Security Council Resolution number "2014" about Yemen .

3 - The approval of the international community to the request of the "coalition partners" to open international investigations and the formation of a special criminal court "common" for the consideration of crimes of terrorism in Yemen is not considered an assault on the domestic sovereignty of Yemen as may also be explained by some who disagree to it, but it would be a positive and a welcome and necessary intervention to save Yemen "people and State," which is suffering from a case of drowning in the swamp of terrorism, international and domestic, who faced and beat it every day while the world watches it all, which is exposed to the most heinous crimes of systematic human race genocide by gangs of al-Qaeda terrorist non-stop, and thus the issuance of this international resolution will be to ensure a real achievement of international peace and security, regional and local, and it is from your legal stipulated major goal under Chapter VII of the Charter of the establishment of the United Nations, and it would be to ensure an adequate and effective to implementation to the international resolutions issued on Yemen and specifically to implement the text of the second recommendation of the report of the delegation of the High Commissioner for Human Rights that visited Yemen on 20 December to 27 December 2011 and approved by all the international parties including the Government of Yemen and in the 19 session of the Human Rights Council session held in March 2012 in the city of Geneva, where provided on the second recommendation of it: - "open - and to encourage the opening – of an international investigation into " terrorist " crimes that occurred during the crisis in Yemen ..... etc.. as well as the issuance of this decision will serve as a reaffirmation of international commitment to the international community to supervise the implementation of the provisions of the Gulf initiative and its Executive chronic Mechanism signed by all parties to the conflict of Yemen in Riyadh by the end of 2011, to end the crisis and bring peace in Yemen, which provided the exception of terrorism crimes from any national reconciliation to come, and consequently the formation of the court on terrorism will be the implementation of the state of national consensus and signed commitments and binding between all the local parties that on the one hand, and will be a sufficient guarantee for the achievement and the return of security, stability and peace in Yemen, as well as at regional and international level, on the other hand, it will reflect the extent of solidarity of the international community's partnership with Yemen in the fight against terrorism through participation in the creation of judicial mechanism common and effective to pursue and track the activities of all the terrorists involved in all the crimes of terrorism (whether local or international) and bring to justice and to ensure that no impunity ..

The coalition "partners" appeals to Your Excellency's to view its request and justification for the above, and waits a positive response to its appeals to save the security and stability and the unity of Yemen through the speed of opening a joint international and national judicial investigations in all the terrorism crimes that took place in Yemen for the above justification and reasons , and wishes that UN Security Council to adopt the resolution for the formation of special international criminal tribunal for the consideration of crimes of terrorism in Yemen, as this decision would be the best mechanism for effective international and national and joint anti-terrorism, cross-border and ensuring a effective international and local partnership for the prosecution of terrorists involved around the world and ensure that no impunity, and Yemen does not sink in the swamp of terrorism while the international community watching it.

Conclusion: the coalition "partners" repeat its gratitude to you for positive response with the above request in order to be looked in the nearest future meeting on Yemen, and the members of the coalition take advantage of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency's its thanks and appreciation for your great and continued efforts to maintain international peace and security and to ensure the security and stability and the unity of Yemen.

Please accept our sincere Regards and appreciation ...

Shamar organization for democratic development
Saba foundation for peace and the promotion human rights and development
Maonah Association for Human Rights - coordinator of the coalition"partners"

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